Black Women STEM Students: The Importance of Role Models

Intellectual Brilliance and Gender Stereotypes: Influence on Children’s Interests

Women in STEM: Influence of Parenthood on Gender Imbalance

Gender Equality in STEM: Supporting Women Faculty Leads to Widespread Job Satisfaction

GRE Scores Are Low Predictors for Completion of STEM Graduate Degrees

In a College Biology Class, Women Were Far More Likely to Underestimate Their Own Intelligence Than Men

The STEM Gap: Causes and Solutions

Sexual Harassment in the Scientific Community: Title IX and Federal Research Funding

Women in STEM: Question-Asking Behavior at Scientific Conferences

Survey Reveals Widespread Gender and Racial Biases in Astronomy and Planetary Science

Peer Mentoring in College Increases Retention of Women in Engineering

Scientific Conferences: Gender Imbalance in Invited Speakers

Tokenism and Bias: Gender Gap in Biotech Boardrooms

Female Role Models May Help Retain Women in STEM Fields

Women in STEM: Facts and Myths

Implicit Gender Bias: Recommendation Letters and Career Advancement in STEM

Women in Science: Gender Disparities in Different STEM Fields

“Mathematical Confidence” and Women in STEM

Biomedical Careers and Gender Bias